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  • 游戏标签:像素 休闲 经营
  • 游戏版本:我的世界1.19.50.02正式版
  • 权限功能:点击查看
  • 隐私说明:点击查看
  • 运营状态:正式运营
  • 游戏类型:休闲益智
  • 更新时间:2022-11-30 14:50
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4、游戏的玩法内容丰富有趣,有多种不同的模式。 在这款游戏中,玩家来到了一个自己创造的沙盒世界。

5、 这个沙盒世界是由玩家自己创造的。 当然你作为玩家在游戏中要做的就是发挥你无限的创造力和想象力,而你就是上帝。





Spectator Mode has made its way into Minecraft: Bedrock Edition! This feature has been experimental for a little while but has now made its way into the game with no experimental toggle required. Here’s a quick write up of this new game mode and how it can be used:

旁观模式现已加入 Minecraft 基岩版!这个特性持续了一段时间的实验性测试,而现在可以不需要实验性玩法选项就能体验了。以下为这个新的游戏模式内容与功能的介绍:

When cheats are enabled, players can go in and out of Spectator Mode using the Personal Game Mode option in World Settings or the '/gamemode spectator' command

在作弊模式开启时,玩家可以使用世界选项里的个人游戏模式,或者使用'/gamemode spectator'来进入或退出旁观模式

Spectators have a reduced HUD that does not show the crosshair, hotbar, XP, health, hunger, or armor


Players’ inventory, health, held items, etc, are unchanged when switching in and out of Spectator Mode


Spectators are always flying and cannot be grounded


Spectators pass through solid blocks and entities without collision


Spectators can see out of solid objects when inside blocks


Spectators cannot take damage and are not affected by any blocks, mobs, items, portals, or effects


Spectators cannot use items or interact with blocks or mobs


Spectators cannot open their inventory or interact with block screens, like Chests or Furnaces


Spectators cannot be seen by mobs or other players, except other players in Spectator Mode


Spectators appear as a transparent floating head to other players in Spectator Mode


Spectators are not needed to sleep to pass the night


When playing in first person perspective, spectators do not see their arm or held item


Spectators generate chunks, if they fly to new chunks


Spectators do not spawn any mobs


Non-persistent mobs around spectators will check for distance to any non-spectators when deciding if they should despawn


Commands can select and act on spectators


A list of fixes since the last release can be found below in the Vanilla Parity section below.

一系列从上次正式版发布以来的 issues 可以在下面的原版特性同步里找到。

New Touch Controls


New touch controls are now enabled on touch devices by default


Players can choose between "Joystick & tap to interact", "Joystick & aim crosshair", or "D-Pad & tap to interact"

玩家可以选择"摇杆+触摸互动","摇杆+十字准星",或 "十字键+触摸互动"

New Default Skins


New characters have joined Steve and Alex! These character skins can be selected in the Dressing Room

新的角色们已加入 Steve 和 Alex 的队伍!这些角色皮肤可以在试衣间被选择



Updated the model and texture of the Vex


The Vex retains a slightly larger hitbox to make it easier to fight


Vanilla Parity:




While playing tag, baby Villagers will now run at a quicker speed that matches Java Edition

当处于游戏状态时,幼年村民现在跑得更快,以匹配 Java 版



Wooden Doors, Iron Doors, Wooden Trapdoors, Iron Trapdoors, and Fence Gates now use the same opening and closing sound effects as Java Edition

木门、铁门、木质活板门、铁活板门与栅栏门现在使用与 Java 版相同的打开和关闭音效

Updated Pressure Plates to have different pitches based on their behaviour to match Java Edition

更新压力板,它们基于各自的行为有了不同的音效,以匹配 Java 版

Added unique button click sound for Wooden Buttons to match Java Edition

为木质按钮添加了独特的点击音效,以匹配 Java 版

Crimson and Warped block sets now have a unique set of sounds


Chiseled and Cut Red Sandstone now have smooth undersides (MCPE-20006)

雕纹和切制红砂岩现在有了光滑的地面 (MCPE-20006)

Projectiles landing on Mud will no longer shake repeatedly (MCPE-153744)

落在泥巴上的投射物不再频繁抖动 (MCPE-153744)

Amphibious mobs no longer have trouble pathfinding around Mud Blocks (MCPE-153961)

两栖类生物现在不会在泥巴方块上寻路困难了 (MCPE-153961)

Mud and Soul Sand Block bounding boxes now matches their visual bounding boxes for when a player places the blocks (MCPE-162252)

泥巴和灵魂沙现在被玩家放置时会显示匹配其视觉效果的碰撞箱 (MCPE-162252)

Lily Pads now pop with sound and particles when run into by a Boat (MCPE-65138)

睡莲被船撞毁了有了独特的音效和粒子 (MCPE-65138)

Most blocks destroyed from lack of support now have visual particles, audio effects, and cause vibration events


Coral Fans can no longer be placed on the side of Slab blocks (MCPE-116986)

珊瑚扇不再能放在台阶的侧面上 (MCPE-116986)

Coral Fans can now survive on top of solid transparent blocks like Glass (MCPE-112407)

珊瑚扇可以在透明固体方块上生长,就像草一样 (MCPE-112407)

Fixed a bug where placed Light Blocks were invisible even while selecting a Light Block

修复一个 bug,即使手持光源方块,也会出现光源方块依然不渲染的情况

Spectator Mode


Open container, Command Block, or Structure Block screens now close when players enter Spectator Mode


Spectator Mode now appears on the list of Personal Game Modes in Settings (MCPE-156688)

旁观模式现在出现在设置的个人游戏模式中 (MCPE-156688)

Allays no longer throw items to spectators (MCPE-162873)

悦灵不再向玩家投掷物品 (MCPE-162873)

Experimental Features:


Introducing the next major update experimental toggle! Enable the “Next Major Update” toggle in world settings to enable this content


These features are a work in progress and are still in active development. The design and functionality of these features will likely change before they’re released


Please remember: Worlds that have used experimental toggles will always be flagged as “Experimental”. We recommend keeping these experimental worlds as separate copies from your main saves. More information can be found in this article


Bamboo Wood Blocks


Added the Bamboo family of blocks as a wood type and use for Bamboo


Added Bamboo Raft




Added Camels, which can spawn in desert villages


Two players can ride Camels together


Camels are tall animals and riders are high enough off the ground, out of range from mob melee attacks


Camels can walk and sprint, or dash with a short burst of speed


Camels randomly sit down for short periods of time and flick their ears about


Chiseled Bookshelf


A new, chiseled variation of the Bookshelf


Can store Books, Book and Quills, and Enchanted Books


Holds up to 6 Books. Keeps the stories and lore of your world safe


Comparators can detect the last book placed/removed. Perfect for hiding secrets in your spooky library


Hanging Sign


A new type of Sign that can be placed beneath and on the side of blocks


Hanging Signs are available for all wood types


Hanging Signs can also be placed under narrow blocks with center support, like Fences




Stability / Performance

稳定性 / 性能

Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay


Fixed a crash that could occur when navigating down in the Villager screen with the keyboard


Fixed an issue where game would crash when Ender Dragon breath attack hadn't hit blocks or fell into the void (MCPE-161204)

修复了在末影龙的龙息攻击没有碰到方块或者掉入虚空时出现的崩溃 (MCPE-161204)

Navigating through the Recipe Book when the player had items that contain mobs in their inventory (like Bees in Beehives) no longer causes significant drops in performance (MCPE-146462)

当玩家物品栏存在具有生物的方块(如蜜蜂在蜂巢里)时浏览配方书不再会导致性能下降 (MCPE-146462)

Reduced server lag with items going in and out of Hoppers (MCPE-68796)

减少物品进出漏斗时服务器的卡顿现象 (MCPE-68796)

Fixed frame rate dropping when hovering over item slots on the Creative inventory screen (MCPE-162277)

修复了在创造模式物品栏窗口内悬停于物品槽位时的帧率下降 (MCPE-162277)

Fixed a crash that would occur if Education Edition items were rendered without the Education Edition toggle turned on (MCPE-161587)

修复了在教育版选项未打开的情况下渲染教育版物品时产生的崩溃 (MCPE-161587)

Fixed a crash that could occur when actors with a non-player owner went through End Portals

修复了在非玩家持有的 actors 穿过末地传送门时产生的崩溃

Fixed a crash that could occur when loading into some Marketplace worlds on low memory devices (MCPE-161866)

修复了在低内存设备加载一些市场世界时产生的崩溃 (MCPE-161866)



When stuck inside a block, players will now be pushed towards the nearest open area


Maps corrupted by black pixels can now be repaired by revisiting corrupted areas. Previously affected maps can now be repaired by holding in main or off hand (MCPE-162421)

被黑色像素污染的地图现在可通过重新访问污染区域以消除,先前被影响的地图现在可通过放在主手或副手以修复 (MCPE-162421)

Fixed a bug that could cause the player to teleport back to a portal after exiting it (MCPE-157494)

修复了一个 bug,该 bug 导致一些玩家离开传送门后被传送回去 (MCPE-157494)

Fixed a bug that could cause players to get stuck on the "Building Terrain" screen when changing dimensions (MCPE-158215)

修复了一个 bug,该 bug 导致一些玩家切换维度时卡在 "生成地形中" 界面 (MCPE-158215)

Fixed improper LevelChunk blending when upgrading pre-1.18 worlds (MCPE-162480)

修复了更新至 pre-1.18 世界时错误的 LevelChunk 调和 (MCPE-162480)

Fixed Xbox controller thumbstick deadzone and sensitivity (MCPE-162847)

调整了 Xbox 控制器拇指遥感的死区和敏感性 (MCPE-162847)



Increased Enderman follow range from 32 to 64 (MCPE-35306)

增加末影人的追踪距离,从 32 到 64 (MCPE-35306)

Jump Boost now consistently affects mobs ridden by players (MCPE-45823)

跳跃提升效果现在持续影响被玩家骑乘的生物 (MCPE-45823)

Slow Falling now consistently affects mobs ridden by players (MCPE-126604)

缓降效果现在持续影响被玩家骑乘的生物 (MCPE-126604)

Fixed an issue where breeding mobs with applied effects would result in the offspring having the effect bonuses permanently applied (MCPE-81890)

修复一个特性,繁殖具有药水效果的生物会导致其后代永久拥有该效果 (MCPE-81890)

Fixed Bat resting location being offset when at negative world height


Armor Stands now drop their offhand item upon destruction (MCPE-158228)

盔甲架现在被摧毁时会掉落副手的物品 (MCPE-158228)

Fixed a bug that caused the Ender Dragon to not load if the world was saved and loaded while it was alive (MCPE-156528)

修复了一个 bug,此bug导致当世界保存并加载时若末影龙活着,则末影龙不会被加载 (MCPE-156528)



Dirt Path and Farmland collision are now one pixel lower (MCPE-12109)

土径和耕地的碰撞箱现在矮一个像素点 (MCPE-12109)

Players now sink in Soul Sand and Mud blocks (MCPE-154973)

玩家现在会在灵魂沙和泥巴方块上下沉 (MCPE-154973)

Sugar Cane will now break on next random tick when its water source is removed (MCPE-162351)

当水源被移除时,甘蔗将在下一个随机刻被破坏 (MCPE-162351)

Piston arms now extend more smoothly (MCPE-155987)

活塞臂现在延伸得更平滑 (MCPE-155987)

Blocks attached to Pistons now move more smoothly (MCPE-146597)

连接活塞的方块现在移动的更平滑 (MCPE-146597)

Huge Fungus blocks will no longer replace partial blocks when growing from Nylium (MCPE-65661)

菌岩上长成的巨型下界菌将不在取代部分方块 (MCPE-65661)

Fixed an issue where an entity at coordinate 0,0,0 prevented Pressure Plates from being placed (MCPE-161377)

修复了坐标为 0,0,0 的实体会阻止压力板被放下的问题 (MCPE-161377)

Fixed blocks flickering when moved by Pistons (MCPE-15268)

修复了方块在被活塞推动时的闪烁现象 (MCPE-15268)

Fixed an issue where signs would not play a placement sound when placed (MCPE-65423)

修复了告示牌被放下时不会播放被放下音效的问题 (MCPE-65423)

Bubble columns are now properly generated above underwater Magma Blocks


Swimming above Mud blocks no longer causes the screen to get blocked (MCPE-153737)

在泥巴上游泳不再导致屏幕被遮挡 (MCPE-153737)



Freshly crafted tools and armor now work the first time they are used (MCPE-161151)

新做的工具和护甲现在会在第一次被使用时起作用 (MCPE-161151)

Weapons, tools, and armor can now be dropped from the players inventory the first time after being renamed (MCPE-162132)

武器、工具和护甲现在第一次重命名后可以被丢出玩家的物品栏 (MCPE-162132)

Fixed issues with Book & Quill not able to be signed and closed (MCPE-163325)

修复了书与笔无法被署名和关闭的问题 (MCPE-163325)

Fixed a bug where fully charged items were lost when going through a portal (MCPE-55279)

修复了一个 bug,被完全充能的物品(弩)会在通过传送门时消失 (MCPE-55279)

Using the Anvil to enchant or fix items will no longer rename items unintentionally (MCPE-154453)

使用铁砧附魔或修复物品时不再意外进行重命名 (MCPE-154453)

Fixed a bug where Slimes and Magma Cubes could break Shield durability every tick (MCPE-119451)

修复了史莱姆和岩浆怪每 tick 都能损坏盾牌耐久的 bug (MCPE-119451)

Fixed a bug where Pufferfish could break Shield durability every tick (MCPE-143689)

修复了河豚每 tick 都能损坏盾牌耐久的 bug (MCPE-143689)

Touch Controls


Re-enabled the new stack splitting functionality for touch devices


"Split Control" option will only appear in Classic control mode and only affect the Classic control scheme

"拆分控制" 选项只会出现在经典控制模式,只影响经典控制方案

Fixed an issue where hotbar slots could not be touched in Crosshair and Touch control schemes in certain situations


Scrolling the inventory screen is easier as the dwell time has been increased to 180 milliseconds (was 120 previously). The dwell time is the length of time an item must be held before a drag action begins


Untangled the connections between "Lock Joystick", "Joystick Always Visible", and "Joystick Visible When Unused"


Added toggle "Delayed Block Breaking (Creative Only)" in Touch Settings to control this functionality


Fixed an issue where double tapping touch control buttons can be difficult on high refresh rate screens (MCPE-156351)

修正了在高刷新率屏幕上双击触摸控制按钮可能会很困难的问题 (MCPE-156351)

Improved the way that button presses and camera movements work in tandem in the new Touch Controls


Action buttons now show up when in a Boat while using Crosshair mode (MCPE-159376)

使用十字准星模式时,动作按钮现在也会显示在船上 (MCPE-159376)

Fixed the Dismount button in the new touch control schemes appearing blurry (MCPE-156722)

修复下马按钮在新的触摸控制方案出现模糊的问题 (MCPE-156722)

Fixed an issue which prevented items from being discarded in the extended Creative Mode inventory by dropping them on another item (MCPE-162124)

修复在拓展的创造模式物品列表上,把一种物品拖移到另一个物品上以阻止它被丢弃的问题 (MCPE-162124)

Fixed an issue with touch controls when swimming and charging a Bow, Crossbow, or Trident no longer launch the weapon immediately (MCPE-136625)

修复了移动设备上游泳时存在的问题;现在拉动弓弦、填装弩箭或举起三叉戟时,它们不再立即发射 (MCPE-136625)

Fixed an issue where joystick gestures were stopped if your finger overlapped with the hotbar (MCPE-159870)

修复手指与快捷栏重叠会导致摇杆会停止的问题 (MCPE-159870)

Resolved an issue where players couldn't interact with the hotbar in some resource packs with the new touch controls (MCPE-157748)

解决了玩家不能与部分资源包的新触摸控制内按键互动的问题 (MCPE-157748)

The sprint and descend buttons in Crosshair Mode now have the same colour as other buttons (MCPE-156740)

十字按键模式下的冲刺和下降按钮现在与其他按钮具有相同的颜色 (MCPE-156740)

Resolved an issue where quickly tapping "Ascend" and "Descend" would cancel flying in the new touch controls. Going forward, double tapping "Descend" is how flying is cancelled (MCPE-162240)

解决了新的触摸控制中快速点击“上升”和“下降”会导致飞行状态取消的问题。此前向前飞行并双击“下降”键会导致取消飞行 (MCPE-162240)

Status icons now follow the screen safe zone when in touch mode


Adjusted status icons to form in one row across width of screen when in touch to account for new touch controls


Removed the action delay from Attack and Interact buttons (MCPE-158143)

移除攻击和交互按键的操作延迟 (MCPE-158143)

When the joystick is unlocked, the draggable range has been changed to be the same as the when the joystick is locked. In both modes, if auto-sprinting is enabled, it will start when the joystick is dragged slightly above the background. The auto-sprint will disengage if the joystick control is subsequently moved back into the joystick background area


A tap gesture will now fire a charged Crossbow. Previously, it was necessary to hold the gesture for 400ms before the bolt would fire


Fixed an issue where players couldn't drag/drop on the Anvil screen




Applied ambient light to blocks moved by Pistons (MCPE-136928)

对被活塞推动的方块应用环境光照 (MCPE-136928)

Mob shadows now render properly on Android devices using certain GPUs (MCPE-155354)

使用特定GPU的安卓设备现在也可正确渲染生物阴影 (MCPE-155354)

Added D3D12 support for Intel Integrated/Dedicated Graphics for compatible drivers




Shortened text when uploading worlds and add-ons so it fits in the dialog prompt


You will no longer get an error message when joining a Realm that has been empty for several minutes


User Interface


Added a new Mobile Data Blocked screen on Android/iOS when mobile data is available but disabled in-game and Wi-Fi is not connected

向 Android/iOS 设备添加了一个移动数据可用、Wifi 未连接,但游戏内禁用了移动数据时的移动数据禁用界面。

Players can now rebind the copy coordinate keys with Full Keyboard Gameplay and the Enable Copy Coordinate UI settings enabled (MCPE-163082)

玩家现在可以重新绑定复制坐标键与全键盘玩法,启用复制坐标UI设置 (MCPE-163082)

Fixed a bug where the boss bar name would not update when the boss name changed until the bar was reloaded by the player (MCM-1100)

修复了若 Boss 名字改变,直到玩家重新加载,Boss 栏的名称才会变化的问题 (MCM-1100)

Fixed a bug on the Pocket UI Inventory screen where items could not be dropped back into the inventory in Creative Mode

修复了一个当在携带版 UI 物品栏界面时,在创造模式下,物品不能被放回的问题

Fixed a bug on the Pocket UI Inventory screen where the ‘Craftable/All’ toggle could only be changed in the Search tab but not in any other tab

修复了一个当在携带版 UI 物品栏界面时,其中的“可合成/全部”切换只能在搜索选项卡中更改,而不能在其他选项卡中更改的问题

On Xbox, camera movement with mouse no longer changes mouse position when the inventory screen is reopened (MCPE-162890)

在 Xbox 设备上,当菜单屏幕重新打开时,界面中的鼠标位置将不再随鼠标移动镜头而移动 (MCPE-162890)

Text color for a selected item stack count is now white instead of yellow


A warning now appears when the player is about to lose changes when moving away from the Create New World screen


Changed the error handling of copying worlds to display a modal pop-up instead of a toast notification


Fixed a bug causing the HUD to not rotate with the player's direction while riding in a Boat in VR

修复了 VR 模式下玩家在船中时,HUD 不随玩家位置旋转的问题

Changed the color of the description text for the “Allow mobile data for online play” option to be more readable (MCPE-162459)

修改了 “允许使用移动数据在线游玩” 选项描述文本的颜色,增加其可读性 (MCPE-162459)

Fixed a contrast issue of the little arrow in dropdown components on hover, the unselected toggle components and the toggle/sliders in chat settings


Technical Updates:


Updated Add-On Template Packs


Updated Add-On templates for19.50 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks

为 1.19.50 添加了附加包的样板,有着新的资源包,行为包和陈述文件,可在aka.ms/MCAddonPacks上下载

Structure Block Import


Structure Blocks can now import structures from ‘.mcstructure’ files on Windows

在 Windows 系统上,结构方块现在可以从 ‘.mcstructure’ 文件导入结构



Actor (Entity) Properties are no longer experimental (This includes Molang queries and property filters, but not Permutations)

活动对象属性现在不再是实验性内容 (这包括Molang表达式和属性过滤器,但不包括Permutations内容)

Fixed a crash that would occur if the texture_index of a spawn egg was out of bounds. Now a content log error will be presented instead

修复刷怪蛋的 texture_index 超出上限导致崩溃的问题。现在将在日志中报错

Min/Max distance values in sound events now only affect the sound event and not all events using the same sound (MCPE-154376)

声音事件中最小/最大距离现在只影响声音事件本身,且并非所有声音事件都使用同一段音效 (MCPE-154376)

Added client-side-chunk-generation-enabled toggle to server.properties

为 server.properties 添加 client-side-chunk-generation-enabled 选项

Fixed an issue where changing the subpack of Resource Packs that have subpacks would not apply changes until the game was restarted (MCPE-162002)

修正了在拥有子包的资源包内对子包进行修改,直到游戏重启才会应用更改的问题 (MCPE-162002)

Recipes that have the same inputs but have different outputs will now display content errors (excludes Crafting Table and Stonecutter recipes)

输入相同但输出不同的配方现在将显示 content errors (包括排除的配方,工作台和切石机的配方)

New ‘/execute’ Command Syntax

新的  ‘/execute’ 命令格式

Removed the Upcoming Creator Features requirement for the new execute command syntax

现在 execute 新的命令语法不再需要打开“即将推出的创作者功能”按钮了

Version 1.19.50 is now required to run the new command syntax

现在需要 1.19.50 版本才能运行新的命令语法

Creators currently using the new execute command syntax in command blocks will have to go modify those command blocks in order to update those commands

要在新版本命令方块中使用 execute 命令,玩家需要把命令方块中旧的语法修改成新的

Creators currently using the new execute command in behavior packs will need to change the min engine version to 1.19.50

现在在行为包中使用新的 execute 命令的创作者需要将最小引擎版本更改为 1.19.50

The previous execute command syntax can still be used by using version 1.19.40 or less

使用 1.19.40 或更低的版本仍然可以使用旧的的 execute 命令语法



Using the '/enchant' command to apply the same level of enchantment no longer results in a higher level being applied (MCPE-153204)

使用 '/enchant' 命令应用同等级附魔将不再附魔成更高一级 (MCPE-153204)

Fixed an issue where hasItem wouldn't correctly detect an item with a data value if hasItem wasn't provided a data value (MCPE-162460)

修复 hasItem 不能检测有数据值的物品,在 hasItem 没有提供相应的数据值前提下 (MCPE-162460)

Running '/execute as' from Command Blocks no longer inherits rotation from entity (MCPE-162680)

在命令方块上运行 '/execute as' 不再继承实体的旋转方向 (MCPE-162680)

Fixed a bug where Chain Command Blocks would not activate when Delay in Ticks was greater than 0

修复连锁型命令方块在延迟 tick 数大于 0 的前提下不工作的问题

Running ‘/execute align xyz entity’ now produces a command error instead of crashing (MCPE-162733)

运行 ‘/execute align xyz entity’ 现在会抛出命令错误而不是崩溃 (MCPE-162733)

Data-Driven Blocks

Data-Driven Blocks

Released BlockCollisionBoxComponent outside of experimental toggle in JSON formats 1.19.50 and higher

推出了BlockCollisionBoxComponent ,在实验性特性切换后,以1.19.50及更高版本的JSON格式呈现

Released BlockCraftingTableComponent outside of experimental toggle in JSON formats 1.19.50 and higher


The Crafting Table UI now updates when a block changes to a permutation with a different “minecraft:crafting_table” block component

当某一方块的 minecraft:crafting_table 组件更新时,工作台的 UI 将会更新

Removed the functionality of the “minecraft:breathability” block component. Component will have no effect on the custom defined block

移除了 minecraft:breathability 方块组件的功能。该组件将在特定的自定义方块上失效

Data-Driven Items

Data-Driven Items

Blocks using the "minecraft:placement_filter" component now produce particles, sounds and vibrations events when they are removed due to their placement condition failing

使用了 minecraft:placement_filter 组件的方块现在可以产生粒子、音效、振动事件,在它们因坠落被移除时



"input_ground_controlled" no longer implies increased auto step when controlled by player. The "variable_max_auto_step" component can be used instead. To have consistency with previous versions, use "base_value": 1.0625 and "jump_prevented_value": 0.5625

"input_ground_controlled"不再意味着增加自动步长时,而是由玩家控制。可以使用"variable_max_auto_step"组件代替。为了与以前的版本保持一致,使用"base_value": 1.0625和" jump_preventted_value ": 0.5625



Added server property 'enable-lan-visibility' to disable the explicit LAN discovery by clients. This will prevent unexpected port conflicts when running multiple dedicated servers on a single host. Clarified port use in server logs and made error messaging more clear (BDS-1094)

增加了服务器属性'enable-lan-visibility'以禁用客户端显式的LAN发现。这将防止在一台主机上运行多个专用服务器时发生意外的端口冲突。明确服务器日志中端口的使用,使错误消息传递更加清晰 (BDS-1094)

AI Goals

AI 意向

Exposed new data parameters for the "minecraft:offer_flower" AI behaviour to specify such things as the time that the mob offers the flower for, the chance that the goal will start, and the dimensions of the AABB used to search for a mob to offer a flower to


The "minecraft:offer_flower" AI behavior can now be used by any mob, not just the Iron Golem


The "minecraft:offer_flower" AI behavior will now search through all mobs in the specified range rather than just the closest one, meaning that this goal has the potential to be used more consistently than before


Exposed new data parameters for the "minecraft:take_flower" AI behavior to specify such things as the conditions to be met to start the goal, the min and max wait times before taking the flower, and the dimensions of the AABB used to search for a mob to take a flower from


The "minecraft:take_flower" AI behavior can now be used by any mob, not just baby Villagers




Fixed has_property to return 1 when a property exists and 0 when not, rather than the opposite of that

修复 has_property 在特定属性存在时输出 1,不存在时输出 0,而不是相反

Scripting, APIs, and GameTest Framework (Experimental)

Scripting,APIs,and GameTest Framework (实验性的)

Fixed velocity property not returning correct values in certain situations (MCPE-152715)

修复 velocity 属性特定情况下不返回正确值 (MCPE-152715)

Added function canPlace - Returns if it is valid to place the desired block type or block permutation at a specified location (and optional face of the block)

添加函数 canPlace - 如果将所需的方块类型或方块放置在指定位置(以及方块的可选面)有效,则返回值

Added function trySetPermutation - Attempts to place the desired block permutation at a location by first checking canPlace

添加函数 function trySetPermutation - 尝试在指定位置放置方块,首先在对应位置检测 canPlace



Removed function runCommand . Consider runCommandAsync as an alternative

移除了方法 runCommand . 考虑使用 runCommandAsync 替代



Removed function runCommand . Consider runCommandAsync as an alternative

移除了方法 runCommand . 考虑使用 runCommandAsync 替代

Converted BlockRaycastOptions to an interface

将 BlockRaycastOptions 转换为接口

Converted EntityEventOptions to an interface

将 EntityEventOptions 转换为接口

Converted ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions to an interface

将 ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions 转换为接口

Location type updated to IVec3

Location type 已更新至 IVec3



add - updated a and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

add -  更新了 a 和 b 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

cross - updated a and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

cross -  更新了 a 和 b 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型e

distance - updated a and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

distance -  更新了 a 和 b 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

divide - updated a argument to accept an IVec3 interface type

divide -  更新了 a 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

lerp - updated a and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

lerp - 更新了 a 和 b 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

max - updated a and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

max -  更新了 a 和 b 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

min - updated a and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

min -  更新了 a 和 b 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

multiply - updated a argument to accept an IVec3 interface type

multiply - 更新了 a 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

slerp - updated a and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

slerp - 更新了 a 1 和参6数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

subtract - updated a and b arguments to accept an IVec3 interface type

subtract - 更新了 a 和 b 参数以接受 IVec3 接口类型

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